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Financial Regulation


Financial System Inquiry - Final Report ("Murray Inquiry"; Panel - David Murray, Kevin Davis, Craig Dunn, Carolyn Hewson, Brian McNamee)

Financial System Inquiry - Interim Report ("Murray Inquiry"; Panel - David Murray, Kevin Davis, Craig Dunn, Carolyn Hewson, Brian McNamee)

Consumer Financial Protection (Invited talk, Fudan University, June 2014)


Dividend Washing (ACFS FRDP 2013-01, 7 June 2013)

"Post Crisis Regulatory Change in Australia and New Zealand" (with Christine Brown and David Mayes) prepared for Joint International Meeting of Shadow Financial Regulatory Committees, Tokyo, Japan, 26-28 October, 2013

Financial Policy and Regulation: APEC Region Initiatives (Presentation, Asia Pacific Financial Forum Symposium, Sydney, April 2013)

Of Financial Advice and Advisers (ANZSFRC Statement No 11, April 5, 2013)


Financial Crisis Management: Who Has Power: Who's Accountable? (InFinance, Nov/Dec 2012, V126 No 4, pp44-45)

Basel 3: Implications for the Australian Financial System (Talk to CEDA function 8 October 2012)

Financial Crisis Management - Power and Accountability (ACFS, FRDP 2012-05, 17 September 2012)

Britain's Banking Reforms - Is this the future shape of banking? (ACFS Financial Regulation Discussion Paper 2012-04, 12 September 2012)

Testimony to Senate Economics Committee Inquiry into the post-GFC banking sector 8 August 2012 (link to Hansard)

Introductory Remarks to Senate Economics Committee Inquiry into the post-GFC banking sector  8 August 2012

Financial Regulatory Reform: What is the Australian Vision? Address to NSW Economics Society Forum 19 July 2012

 The Australian Banking Sector Post-GFC  ACFS Submission to: Senate Economics Committee “Inquiry into the post-GFC banking sector” (Submission 49), June 4, 2012

Small Cap Equity Raisings: Are the ASX Proposals the Best Option (ACFS Financial Regulation Discussion Paper 2012-2), May 14, 2012

Too Big to Swallow (published in Business Spectator (May 1, 2012) as The Four Big Elephants in the Room

A system at risk: the case for regulatory overhaul in Australia's banking sector, (on The Conversation)

ANZSFRC Statement No 10 Do the Big Four Australasian Banks Require Special Regulation? April 12, 2012

Higher Bank Capital: What's Wrong with That? (Australian Financial Review op-ed (retitled "Social Dimension to Bank Capital Ratios"), 30 Jan 2012)


Regulatory Reform after the Global Financial Crisis (MAFC Quarterly #11, May 2011) Deposit Insurance - Getting the Financial Claims Scheme Settled (ACFS, FRDP 2011-03)

Basel III - Liquidity Options (ACFS, FRDP, 2011-02)

Regulatory Reform Post the Global Financial Crisis: An Overview

Mortgage fees must be transparent (op-ed)


Its Easy to Exit from Exit Fees (op-ed)

Housing Mortgage Contract Design and Banking Sector Competition (Senate Economics Committee Bank Competition Inquiry, Submission #8)

Taking off the bank fee blindfold (op-ed)

ACFS FRDP 2010-05 Mortgages: Time to Redesign

Mortgage Contract Redesign (op-ed)

Mortgage Market: Time for Reform (op-ed)

Mortgage Interest Rates and Mortgage Contracts (op-ed)

So many ways to sell a corporate bond (op-ed)

The Urgent task of Recapitalizing banks: Doing it Gradually (op-ed)

ACFS FRDP 2010-04 Why be Afraid of Higher Bank Capital Requirements? 

Rethinking Financial Regulation (Melbourne University Insights)

ACFS FRDP 2010-02 Deregulating Retail Bond Issuance

ACFS FRDP 2010-01 Taxing the Banks

Bank Capital Adequacy: Where to Now? (working paper)

Regulation of Managed Investments: Lessons from the Great Southern Failure (published JASSA)

"Regulatory Responses to the Financial CrisisGriffith Law Journal, 19, 1, 2010, 117-138

Macroprudential Regulation (Melbourne APEC Finance Centre Program, Beijing, 2009)


"Financial Regulation after the Global Financial Crisis" Australian Economic Review, December 2009


"Financial Regulation: Costs, Benefits and The Process Of Regulatory Change", Economic Papers, Special Issue, 2008, 1-6


"Financial Sector reform: Longer-run policy responses to the Asian Crisis" Bangkok Conference on Advancing East Asian Economic Integration 22-23 February 2007, EABER Working Paper Series No.15 

"Financial Regulation: trends and prospects" The Melbourne Review, 3, 1, May 2007, 35 - 40.


Basel 2 (Address to APEC Conference, Santiago, Chile)

"Cost Benefit Analysis and Financial Regulation" (presentation)

"Financial Liberalisation: Evaluating Options" (presentation, APEC course)


"Designing Banking Sector Safety Nets: Australian Experience" in Capital Markets, Globalization, and Economic Development, Innovations in Financial Markets and Institutions, Vol. 15, ed Benton Gup, Kluwer, 2005, XVI, 224 p., Hardcover ISBN: 0-387-24564-2

"Basel II and Future Supervision"

"Cross Border Implementation of Basel II"

"Basel 2" Journal of Banking and Financial Services, 2005


Financial System Guarantees (Report of the Study Group) commissioned by the Australian Federal Treasurer, Commonwealth of Australia, March 2004, ISBN 0 642 74225 1 pp 287 


"The Changing Face of International Banking Regulation", 2003


"Risk Management, Pricing and Capital Provisioning under the New Basel Accord: Issues for the APEC Region" Invited Lecture for Asian Bankers Association 19th General Meeting, Seoul, Korea, September 2-4, 2002,(Overheads)




Reform of Australia and New Zealand Financial Markets, PAFTAD Conference 1998

A Perspective on the Wallis Report, Australian Economic Review, 1997

Designing Australia’s Financial System: Submission to the Wallis Inquiry, 1996

Bank Deregulation, Supervision and Agency Problems, Australian Economic Review, 1995 

Bank Forex Exposure and Capital Requirements, 1994

Prudential Regulation and the Future of Credit Unions, 1993

Maximum Interest Rate Inquiry Submission 1992

Deregulation, Banks and Building Societies, 1992

Housing Finance and Deregulation, 1988

The Australian Financial System - Directions for Reform, Address to Canberra Economics Society, 1980

Course Notes

Bank capital notes-June09-MAFC Program-Shanghai 

Lessons from the global financial crisis-June09-MAFC Program-Shanghai

Macro-prudential regulation-June09-MAFC Program-Shanghai

Regulatory responses - Bank Liquidity proposals-June09-MAFC Program-Shanghai